Join us on the Systems Engineering & MBSE Reddit Community!
Philippe Meurant, co-founder of MBSE Consulting, is a moderator of the r/systems_engineering subreddit, a growing community dedicated to Systems Engineering and Model-Based Systems Engineering!
About Reddit
Reddit is one of the biggest online platforms for communities, known as subreddits. It's free and you can browse content without an account, but you will need one contribute.
What's on the Systems Engineering Reddit?
General Discussions: We explore trends and concepts in Systems Engineering and MBSE.
Resources: We share the best books, tutorials, articles, etc.
MBSE: We dive and help each other on methodologies, languages, tool and the challenges of adopting MBSE.
Career and Education: A safe space to discuss career paths, certifications, and educational opportunities.
Check out below what people are discussing in the community!
Why Reddit?
Systems Engineering and MBSE professionals face many common challenges. Yet, unlike software engineering-where platforms like Stack Overflow which provide a vast, open knowledge base for sharing expertise, our field lacks a truly accessible, public resource.
Reddit offers several unique advantages over other platforms:
Open and Searchable: The content is indexed by search engines, making discussions and solutions easily discoverable by anyone-even without an account.
Archived and Organized Content: Reddit's structure allows to categorize discussions for an easily searchable, building a long-term repository of knowledge.
Inclusive and Free: You only need an account if you wish to contribute i.e. post and comment.
Community Voting System: The voting mechanism ensures that the most helpful answers and resources rise to the top, making it easy to find high-quality content.
Check out below what we are discussing about on Reddit!