MBSE with MagicGrid Framework

Aimed at Systems Engineers willing to venture into the modelling world, the training introduces the fundamentals of modelling with the SysML language in Magic Cyber Systems Engineer (MCSE). However a tool and a language is nothing without a proper methodology, hence the training is supported by the MagicGrid Framework from NoMagic. The trainee will learn and practice on an example system model following the MagicGrid which introduces all aspects of SysML and the major capabilities of Magic Cyber Systems Engineer.

At the end of the training, the Systems Engineer will be able to:

  • Understand what is MBSE and its three pillars (Method, Language, Tool) 

  • Understand the rational for MBSE to tackle Systems Engineering problems

  • Recognise and produce the main concepts and all diagrams of the SysML standard

  • Produce the additional MCSE diagrams such as Tables, Matrices and Relation Maps

  • Perform the basic actions of modeling within MCSE (Create/Edit/Delete/Copy & Paste/Search/Favorites/ContainmentTree vs Structure Tree...)

  • Understand the notions of Definition and Usage (Whole-Part concept)

  • Have a notion of what model execution can bring.

Note: A prerequisite is that the attendee has knowledge of the general Systems Engineering process.

Structured Expressions - Magic Cyber Systems Engineer

Structured Expression is the key mechanism for querying SysML models within Magic Cyber Systems Engineer (MCSE). They are used everywhere from defining a custom table column to retrieve information, to specifying validation rules to verify the model consistency and integrity to calculating derived properties on the fly of making impact analysis maps.

The trainee will learn about all the kind or operations available (Simple Navigation, Metachain Navigation, Filter, Type Test…), how to combine them and what are the best practices to ensure that the queries are well designed and maintenance free.

At the end of the training, the Systems Engineer will be able to:

  • Understand Structured Expression

  • Develop simple and advanced Structured Expression

  • Ensure that queries are maintenance free and have good performance

Note: A prerequisite is that the attendee has knowledge of Magic Cyber Systems Engineer and SysML.

How to extend SysML in Magic Cyber Systems Engineer (Profiling)

UML, SysML or associated Frameworks like UAF does not always fully satisfy the needs of the Systems Engineer.

SysML provides a very convenient way to be extended via the use of Profiles. In addition Cameo Systems Modeler enhances the mechanism with the concept of Profile Customization which provides a lot of neat features to enhance ergonomics, define derived properties and more...

The trainee will learn how to extend SysML or a Framework to suit the Systems Engineers needs that is not covered by the standards.

At the end of the training, the Systems Engineer will be able to:

  • Understand what is a Profile with Stereotypes, Metaclasses, extensions

  • Understand what is a Customization and its many properties.

  • Ensure the Profile and Customization is maintenance free and provides good performance

Note: A prerequisite is that the attendee has knowledge of Cameo Systems Modeler, SysML and Structured Expressions

How to formalise a Model Based Approach (MB²SE)

MB²SE stands for “Model Based Model Based Systems Engineering”. The MB²SE approach proposes a framework to formalise the Modeling Management Plan of a project. A Modeling Management Plan formalises the WHY we do MBSE on a specific project, what is the purpose and boundaries of the model.

Modeling is a time consuming activities and we want to make sure that models produced actually provide added value to a project. To do so, one must understand what are the Systems Engineering problems the model must address, what are the concepts behind and how they are implemented. This acts as the contract for the model. From there KPIs can be extracted to evaluate the maturity of a model and if it achieved its purpose.

At the end of the training, the Systems Engineer will be able to:

  • Understand what is a Modeling Management Plan

  • Understand why a Modeling Management Plan is mandatory

  • Understand how to formalize a Modeling Management Plan using MBSE Consulting MB²SE Plugin

Note: A prerequisite is that the attendee has knowledge of Cameo Systems Modeler, SysML, Structured Expressions and ideally Profile and Customisation.